Emergency Contacts for carers
If you are very concerned about the safety of your family member you can take them for an emergency psychiatric assessment at the emergency department in Perth hospitals (24 hour service). A trained professional will then assess them and decide if they are safe to go home or need to be admitted for observation.
If you are unsure about whether your family member needs a psychiatric assessment or do not believe they will go with you to the hospital you can contact the Mental Health Emergency Line outside normal working hours.
Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL): Provides psychiatric emergency assessment and advisory service to assist mental health clients and their carers.
1300 555 788
Peel - Freecall
1800 676 822
If you are very concerned about a loved one’s safety that lives alone and you believe they are at risk for suicide you can ask the police to make a welfare check.
Police: Can offer welfare checks to at-risk people in the community.
State-wide non-emergency: 131444
If your family member is chronically suicidal and you need extra support in managing their risk for self harm over time you can ask them to see their GP regularly (weekly) to help monitor their mental state and need for other services. This may reduce your sense of isolation and responsibility in caring for your loved one.
It can be helpful for someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts to have access to 24 hour telephone counselling services which are anonymous and available for children and adults. The following contacts might be helpful and the numbers should be either given to them or kept where they can see them.
13 11 14
Crisis Care
9223 1111
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
The Samaritans
Country callers: 1800 198 313
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636